frequently asked questions
Why epoxy resins?
Epoxy resins have very good adhesion and load-bearing properties. They are free of solvents and can also be processed under sunlight. Cured epoxy resin laminates are characterised by a high water vapour density and are therefore the ideal material for areas with permanent water exposure.
Why HP-PUR-PLUS (polyurethane)?
A polyurethane coating can shows its advantages especially under difficult conditions. The surfaces of pools and bathing ponds are ideal for this. The HP-PUR-PLUS easily withstands high demands, such as mechanical stress caused by pressure or extreme stress caused by strong UV radiation. An epoxy / polyurethane coating not only helps to prevent the penetration of moisture into the building structure, but also makes it more difficult for biological substances to settle, which are a basis for vermin, fungal and mould infestation. The building fabric can be protected in the long term by using a HP-PUR-PLUS coating.
Can I also get different quantities?
Yes, no problem! Simply add individual components to the shopping basket and order. Alternatively: send a short enquiry by e-mail or use the contact form.
Do you also offer other colours than those mentioned in the sets?
Yes, our epoxy topcoat systems can be supplied in various colours or are available colourless plus a wide range of colour pastes. We can supply our
HP-PUR-PLUS top coat in almost all RAL colours. You can find a list
Can I coat or laminate on Styrofoam / Styrodur?
As our epoxy resins do not contain any solvents, you can laminate on Styropor or Styrodur without any problems.
Which substrate is (in)suitable for a pool/pond?
The coating should be laminated on a mineral substrate (plastered screed mats, brickwork, concrete, etc.). Lost wooden formwork is also suitable. In any case, it is important to keep residual moisture as low as possible. (Pond) foil as a substrate is theoretically possible but not necessarily useful, as the ugly folds cannot be laminated out. It should never be coated directly on the ground!
What weather conditions are suitable for such a project?
Temperatures between 15-25 °C and a maximum humidity of 70 %, as well as sufficient air circulation are optimal. In general, epoxy resins are not sensitive to sunlight during application, as is the case with polyester resins, for example. If necessary, you should have a cover ready to protect the fresh laminate from rain, dust or similar. For larger and longer-lasting projects, it is generally advisable to construct a kind of tent roof.
Do I have to wait between steps when using epoxy systems?
Once the primer is ready to walk on, you can coat or laminate. When laminating the layers, you can work wet in wet to save time. For a 3-layer coating, start with the 1st layer and apply the subsequent layers staggered by 1/3. This way you achieve a 3-layer structure directly. Rule of thumb before applying the top coat is: As soon as the epoxy layer is walkable, you can continue working!
Can I apply this type of coating myself?
With a little manual skill, our work instructions and by observing the technical data sheets, it should be no problem! Far more than 1.000 projects in private areas proof this fact! Customer statement: "... wallpapering without having to work very precisely, in 2 or 3 layers ...".
Is the coating dangerous for my fish?
If our processing instructions are followed, the cured material does not release any substances into the water and is therefore not critical for humans or animals.
Is chlorine pollution or the addition of salt problematic?
If the dosage instructions for the chemicals used for swimming pool hygiene are observed, it is not a problem. If the dosage is too high, the surface or the colour may be affected or changed.
How do I get a surface that is as smooth as possible?
When using glass fabric, a slight structure and the overlapped edges of the batts remain visible. To improve this appearance, an additional layer of C-glass fleece (
HP-VJ30C / 30g/m² or
HP-VJ50C / 50g/m²) can be laminated and cut to size (comparable to wallpapering). Finally, coat with epoxy resin and, if necessary, sand again after curing. Then apply an epoxy resin top coat or PU top coat.
How do I build steps in the pool slip-resistant?
You can sprinkle quartz sand onto the freshly applied top coat resin and let it harden. The grain size should be chosen so that it does not sink in completely. Simply sweep or vacuum off excess sand after it has cured.
How long do I have to wait before I can add water?
The entire laminate structure (incl. epoxy resin top layer or top coat) must cure for at least 7 days at 20° before the first exposure to water. Higher temperatures over a longer period of time can shorten this time. However, a reliable statement on the time reduction cannot be given due to the wide variety of conditions.
When rolling the paint, small bubbles appear. How can those be avoided?
When using the recommended rollers (
HP-L1032 and
HP-L1034), bubbles do not usually form. This can happen when using commercially available rollers! With a suitable flat brush or paint brush, the bubbles can be spread directly after rolling the paint. This is known as blending. Work carefully, otherwise the result will be a very uneven surface.
The colour appears uneven or irregular when applied?
When mixing, it is important to stir the individual components well beforehand, and a good mixing of the whole system afterwards. After mixing, the mixture should be left to rest for approx. 10 minutes so that any bubbles can escape.
Does it make sense to apply as thickly as possible?
When applying the paint, make sure that the paint is rolled on evenly and not too thickly. If the layer is too thick, not all of the paint can react with the oxygen and thus not cure. This results in the formation of bubbles and an uneven colour appearance. Later on, it can even lead to chipping. Tip: It is better to apply two thin coats than one too thick! Please note that the first coat should be tack-free before applying the second coat. The second coat must be applied within 24 hours after the first coat has cured. ( at 20 °C )
I have used much less than specified. Can I return the paint?
All paints are mixed individually to customer order and therefore unfortunately cannot be returned. In addition, the specified quantity should be adhered to. Too thin an application will impair the quality and durability of the coating.
Can I get advice by phone during the procedure?
Yes, of course! Our team is also available at work hours and can advise you by phone.